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10 Reasons to Volunteer at your Club


In this modern age, it seems many people just aren’t as interested in sports volunteering as they were in the past. There are numerous reasons why your community should get involved in your sports club, and we’ve listed them below!


1. Everyone has a different set of skills that need sharing –

Sports clubs around the country don’t always need people who have skills related to
sport specifically, they often need people who are extremely organised and can
complete tasks like public speaking, filling out forms and anything related to figures
and numbers.

2. The feeling of fulfilment:

Dedicating your time to your local sporting club or organisation grants a feeling of
fulfilment and guaranteed to make you smile knowing you’re doing something
valuable and worthwhile giving back to the community and kids

3. It’s a learning experience:

This is a fantastic benefit of volunteering; you can be exposed to discovering new
talents that you may have never known you were capable of and can also develop
your pre-existing skills.

4. Future job opportunities:

Participating in volunteer work can potentially lead on to job offers that open up and
can even open up a career path that you may have never considered or known that
existed. The experiences that are gained during your time volunteering at the club is
a great addition to your resume and can help showcase your skillset in interviews in
the future.

5. It can positively impact all your dimensions of health:

Volunteering can really provide a sense of purpose for an individual and make them
feel worthy. It opens up social contacts, gets you active and can significantly boost
your emotional wellbeing

6. Good way to get into work:

As the pandemic has affected a lot of industries, volunteering is a great way to enter
the work environment to help out clubs who are no doubt struggling and would be
so grateful to have people lend a hand to continue get the clubs back on their feet

7. Providing a positive experience for the current and future generations of kids:

A volunteer is as important to a club as anyone else; they fill so many critical roles
within the organisation such as coaching, being an official and helping out on the
board. Often, without them the sport would not be able to run as effec
tively and
efficiently as they do, which would lea
d to negative experiences for the kids.

8. Helps you take on a challenge:

Volunteering can become challenging at times, but it can help you achieve personal
goals. A challenge is not always a bad thing and it is good to face them every so often
to keep you on your feet!

9. If you love sport, why not get involved in more ways than one:

If sport is something that makes you happy, whether you love playing or watching it,
why not donate your time to helping out the local clubs to further improve the
product that you love so much!

10. It’s fun:

Volunteering can be such a positive experience for anyone and provides a resource
for individuals to take part in that explores your passion and interests!

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